
How To Create Email For Blog With Godaddy

What Is My Incoming & Outgoing Mail Server From a GoDaddy Email Account?

By Jeff Grundy

GoDaddy enables you to send and receive email with your own customized domain name.

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GoDaddy is one of the largest Web hosting companies in the world, and more than 200,000 people use it to serve business and personal websites on the Internet. Like many other hosting companies, GoDaddy enables you to use your domain name with email addresses you create. Using the GoDaddy webmail interface, you need only create email addresses you want to use. However, if you want to use your GoDaddy email addresses with a desktop mail client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird -- or forward GoDaddy messages to another webmail service like Gmail or Yahoo -- you'll need to know your incoming and outgoing mail server settings.

Finding Server Information

When you signed up for your GoDaddy Web hosting account, you received a welcome email that contained all of the server information for your host computer. If you still have the welcome email, this is the easiest way of finding mail server information. However, if you deleted the email, finding the mail server settings is relatively simple. Log in to your GoDaddy account Control Panel and click on the "Email" link or log in to your webmail application and click the "Settings" link. Depending on the operating system you selected for your GoDaddy Web server, the server domain name may vary slightly. Nevertheless, in most cases your GoDaddy incoming email server address should be in the "" format, while the outgoing mail server should be "" For servers using Windows instead of Linux, though, the incoming and outgoing mail servers may both be in the "" format.

Managing Email Accounts

Regardless of the format your GoDaddy email account uses, creating new accounts to use with the incoming and outgoing mail servers is the same. If you log in to your GoDaddy Control Panel with the owner or administrator username and password, you'll find the links for "Email" settings both in the left navigation pane of the dashboard window and on the toolbar. Clicking the "Email" link will open a new page or tab where you can create new email user accounts or aliases by clicking the "New" button. When creating the new accounts, the GoDaddy Control Panel should fill in the domain name portion of the email address automatically. You can also delete unused user accounts on the Email page by selecting them and clicking the "Delete" button.

Configuring Client Programs and Forwarding

After creating a new email account in the GoDaddy Control Panel, you can log in to the webmail application for your server and start sending and receiving messages immediately. However, if you want to use a GoDaddy email account with programs such as Outlook or Thunderbird, you must first configure mail server settings in the application. If you intend to keep all of your email messages on your computer, use the "POP" protocol to connect the client to the mail server. If you use both the desktop client program and the webmail account, you should use IMAP, which synchronizes folders and messages in both interfaces. Mail server settings for both protocols are the same, but port numbers used for POP and IMAP differ considerably. You can find POP and IMAP port settings to use with desktop clients in the Email section of the Control Panel or the Settings section of your webmail account. Additionally, if you want to retrieve mail from GoDaddy accounts with another webmail provider such as Gmail or Yahoo, you must enter the POP mail server information in the "External Accounts" or similar configuration section of the Settings page.

SPAM & Blacklisting

GoDaddy does not place any restrictions on the number of emails you can send and receive with hosting accounts. Nevertheless, the company does have strict rules regarding SPAM. Consequently, if you use GoDaddy hosting servers to send unsolicited messages, the company may choose to terminate your hosting account and place your domain name on a blacklist. Using a GoDaddy email account to contact people you already know is never an issue. However, if you want to create mailing lists and send messages in bulk, you should always ensure that subscribers have the ability to opt in or out of your mailing lists. Never send unsolicited messages to people who do not subscribe to your mailing lists or provide express permission to receive emails from your site. If GoDaddy blacklists your domain name, you may not be able to use it with other hosting providers – even if you transfer the domain.


Writer Bio

Jeff Grundy has been writing computer-related articles and tutorials since 1995. Since that time, Grundy has written many guides to using various applications that are published on numerous how-to and tutorial sites. Born and raised in South Georgia, Grundy holds a Master of Science degree in mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

How To Create Email For Blog With Godaddy


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