The YouTube component

The YouTube component lets you place a YouTube video in your ad.

To add the YouTube component to your project:

  1. Open the Components panel, then the Media folder.
  2. Drag the YouTube component to the stage.
  3. In the YouTube properties section of the Properties panel, enter the YouTube video page's URL in the URL field.

Using YouTube video with mobile browsers

Mobile browsers may disable YouTube video autoplay to keep users from incurring data charges for unrequested content. The best practice for mobile browsers is to turn off autoplay and to and turn on video controls instead. This ensures that your video will work the way you intend it to.

In the Properties panel, make these changes:

  • Set Autoplay to none .
  • Set Controls to autohide .


Property Description
Name The component name.
URL The URL for the YouTube video that you want to show. The unique ID found in the URL is also valid. Can be bound to dynamic data.

Sets whether the video starts playing automatically. Autoplay is not supported on all mobile browsers.

  • none (default) - The video does not play automatically.
  • standard - The video plays automatically. Does not count as a YouTube view.
  • preview - The video plays in a muted state underneath a play button overlay.
  • intro - The video plays in a muted state without a play button overlay or any controls. Does not count as a YouTube view.
Preview duration The preview duration (only used when Autoplay is set to preview or intro). By default, 30 seconds.

Whether controls are displayed.

  • autohide - The video progress bar and the player controls slide out of view a couple of seconds after the video starts playing. The controls reappear if the user interacts with the video player.
  • none - Hides the progress bar and player controls.
Progress bar color Whether the progress bar for the video player is red or white.
Mute When selected, the YouTube video starts muted.
Loop When selected, the YouTube video repeats continuously.
Pause on video end When selected, pauses the YouTube video when there is one second left.
Start position The starting position, in seconds, of the YouTube video. Can be bound to dynamic data.

Advanced properties

Click the expand icon next to Advanced properties in the component properties pane to edit the following advanced properties:

Property Description
Allow fullscreen on desktop Enables fullscreen viewing for users on desktops.
Extra player parameters YouTube player parameters to include. Separate multiple parameters with ampersands (&).

Events and actions

Events sent by the YouTube component

You can trigger other actions based on the following YouTube component events:

Event Description
Buffering Sent when the YouTube video is buffering.
Ended Sent when the YouTube video has reached the end.
Paused Sent when the YouTube video is paused.
Playing Sent when the YouTube video starts playing.
Replayed Sent when the YouTube video has been replayed.
Started Sent when 0% of the YouTube video has been viewed.
First quartile Sent when 25% of the YouTube video has been viewed.
Midpoint Sent when 50% of the YouTube video has been viewed.
Third quartile Sent when 75% of the YouTube video has been viewed.
Complete Sent when 100% of the YouTube video has been viewed.
Preview started Sent when 0% of the preview has been viewed.
Preview first quartile Sent when 25% of the preview has been viewed.
Preview midpoint Sent when 50% of the preview has been viewed.
Preview third quartile Sent when 75% of the preview has been viewed.
Preview Complete Sent when 100% of the preview has been viewed.

To select one of these events in the Event dialog, set the YouTube component as the target.

Actions performed by the YouTube component

The following YouTube component actions can be triggered in response to other events:

Action Configuration options
Toggle mute none
Pause none
Play none
Replay none
Seek Time - The time in seconds to skip to.
Set YouTube video ID
  • ID - The ID of the YouTube video. (This is the unique part of the YouTube video page URL.)
  • Cue only - When checked, the specified video loads but doesn't start playing.

When you select one of these actions in the Event dialog, set the YouTube component as the receiver.

Learn how to configure events.


This component can't be previewed inside the Google Web Designer interface. To see the component in action, preview your document in your preferred browser by clicking the Preview button in the upper right corner.

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